Contact Us

Talk With A Leader


St Pauls Church Hall
St Pauls School
Clapgate Lane

Group Meet Hours

Beavers: Tues 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Cubs: Thurs 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Scouts: Tues 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Phone & Email


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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about the Scouting Association, 16th Wigan Scouts or about volunteering, please get in touch.

Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions.

How can my child benefit from joining Scouts?
In an independent survey of over 2,000 parents of Scouts, nine out of ten parents said Scouting is worthwhile and their children find Scouting enjoyable.

As your child progresses through Scouts you should be able to see signs of the impact their Scouting adventure has on them.

Young people are encouraged to do, learn and be more. Increasing confidence and life skills is just part of the journey.

How do I enrol my child?
We offer everyday adventures and activities to hundreds of young people across South Wigan.
There are fun and exciting activities and opportunities in each of the five sections:

  • Beavers (ages 6–8)
  • Cubs (ages 8-10½)
  • Scouts (ages 10½–14)
  • Explorer Scouts (ages 14–18)

To enrol your child, simply contact us or make an enquiry using the contact details on this page.

We’re moving to a new area, can I transfer my child to a new Scout Group?
If you’re moving to an area close to our us, transferring to 16th Wigan Scout Group can be a great way of helping your child settle in and make friends.

You should let your child’s current leader know as soon as you can that you’re planning to move.

You can also call us on 07889 533035 or email to arrange the transfer

My child is moving up a section; what do I need to do to help them prepare?

When the time comes to move up to the next age range, a young person can have mixed feelings: excitement at moving on, sadness at leaving friends behind.

Making the transition as smooth as possible goes a long way to helping your child settle into their new section.

First of all you need to check what the process involves with your child’s current Section Leader.

You might need to put your child on a waiting list for the next section or, in some cases, it may happen automatically.

How much does it cost to send my child to Scouts?

For up to date information on our fees please get in touch using the information on this page.

We collect money on a monthly basis for ease of budgeting. This fee usually covers the cost of the hire or upkeep of the meeting place.

Trips, camps and activities are usually charged separately. Cost should not be a barrier to anyone taking part in Scouting and if this is an issue, you can speak to Jason Taylor our Group Section Leader in confidence.

What do Scouts wear and where can I buy it?
Scouts wear a uniform depending on the age range.

All Scouts (adults and young people) wear a coloured scarf or necker, the colour of which varies depending on the Group.

Uniform can either be bought from Scout Shops or locally at some shops, adults in your child’s Group will be able to give you more information).