Scouting – one of the largest youth organisations in our town

Across the town we currently have 18 Beaver Colonies (ages 6 to 8), 18 Cub Packs (ages 8 to 10½), 17 Scout Troops (ages 10½ to 14) and 6 Explorer Units (ages 14 to 18) providing activities to nearly 1000 young people each week.

Our membership has grown by over 15% in the last five years and demand continues to grow.

Across Wigan we have ambitious plans to continue developing Scouting in all areas. In the last couple of years we have opened a new Scout Group that has Beaver, Cub and Scout sections, and two new Explorer Units.

We are currently planning to open another Scout section at one of our existing groups and another new Explorer Unit, and now we are offering you the opportunity to be part of our success.

Can you be part of our success, by volunteering at 16th Wigan Scouts?

Whether it’s one night a week, one hour a week or a couple of hours per month, be it in a uniformed leaders role, or a more back of house support function, you can play a key role in helping us – and have a great time along the way.

We promise that you will receive full training and support to help you settle into your new role, and I can almost guarantee that within weeks you will start to wonder why you did not volunteer years ago.

There really is a role for everyone at 16th Wigan Scout Group.

Lots of people state that they would like to give something back to their community – but they don’t know how.

Volunteering to help at 16th Wigan Scouts is a perfect way. If you want to find out more about helping 16th Wigan Scouts Group as an adult please complete the form below and we will be in touch.

Below is a list of some of the roles we are always on the lookout for;


We need section leaders and assistant leaders across all age groups, its hugely rewarding, and in many cases you get to take part in many of the activities.

If you didn’t want the commitment of being a leader or assistant leader but still wanted to help in the youth sections then you might like to consider becoming a sectional assistant or occasional helper.

You can see the difference in the roles by clicking here. There is no Membership Fee for adult members so don’t let concerns about costs put you off volunteering.

To find out more about becoming a leader, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.

Support Roles

Committee members – to help with the management of 16th Wigan Scout Group.

The management committee (or Executive Committee as we call it) is a little like a school board of governors and plays a vital role in supporting the provision of Scouting.

Property and Ground maintenance – 16th Wigan Scouts Group currently use Highfield Community Centre as their own Headquarters.

Funding this is done in many ways, but the Exec Committee is engine behind it all and we always welcome an extra mind on the board.

Contact us by completing the form below to find out more and we will be in touch.

Get in touch to volunteer or learn more

14 + 8 =


Why help?

There are many reasons why adults choose to volunteer for Scouting. Here are some that existing volunteers have given:

To give something back to the community

I believe the kids get such a lot out of it; I just put a bit back for what the kids take out.

To support the leaders

They give so much, you’ve got to give some of that back.

Because volunteering is a ‘good thing’

I just personally believe that you should always do some kind of voluntary work…otherwise nothing would get done in this world.’

As an enabler, so the Leader can do more

If I can help Sam, our Leader, out by doing the little things, then it means she has got more time to give the kids and then they get more out of it.

To spend more quality time with your child

David used to go on his PlayStation2 while I read the paper after school and work – now we get a chance to do activities together.

To develop your own skills

I hadn’t used a compass since I was a scout. After I learned how to use one again, I take one out on family walks. We get lost less than we used to!

To enjoy and rediscover adventure for yourself

We had a water fight at beavers the other week, it was great!

Chief Scout Bear Grylls says:

I wasn’t involved in scouting until someone asked me and I jumped at the chance. Adventure isn’t just for young people or those of us already wearing neckerchiefs; it’s for everyone. There’s lots of talent among our 800,000 parents. Let’s bring some of that into scouting. Just ask – that’s all it takes.’